Bass & Stogdill's Handbook of Leadership: Theory, Research & Managerial Applications

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Leadership--Handbooks, manuals, etc.
Bernard M.Bass has incorporated a decade of new findings on the newest theories and models of leadership; intellectual and interpersonal competence; motivation; the nature of power and Machiavellianism; charismatic and transformational leadership; leadership and women, Hispanics, and Orientals; leadership succession; substitutes; culture; and the role of leadership and organizations in dealing with stress, crisis, and disaster.
Preface to the Third Edition
PART I Introduction to Concepts and Theories of Leadership
1. Concepts of Leadership
The Beginnings
The Meaning of Leadership
Leadership and Headship
An Evolving, Expanding Conceptualization
Summary and Conclusions
2. Typologies and Taxonomies of Leadership
Examples of Classifications
Commonalities in Taxonomies
Summary and Conclusions
3. An Introduction to Theories and Models of Leadership
Personal and Situational Theories
Interaction and Social Learning Theories
Theories and Models of Interactive Processes
Perceptual and Cognitive Theories
Hybrid Explanations
Methods and Measurements
Summary and Conclusions
PART II Personal Attributes of Leaders
4. Traits of Leadership: 1904-47
Summary and Conclusions
5. Traits of Leadership: A Followup
Improvements in Methods and Measurements
Comparison of the Reviews of 1948 and 1970
Factor Analysis of the Traits of Leadership
Summary and Conclusions
6. Leadership and Activity Level
Energy and Assertiveness
Talking and Leading
Time and Effort
Summary and Conclusions
7. Task Competence and Leadership
The Meaning and Effects of Competence
Competence and Leadership
Summary and Conclusions
8. Interpersonal Competence and Leadership
Basic Interpersonal Skills
Social Insight, Empathy, and Leadership
Summary and Conclusions
9. Authoritarianism, Power Orientation, Machiavellianism, and Leadership
The Authoritarian Personality
Authoritarianism and Leadership
Power, Interpersonal Competence, and Leadership
Summary and Conclusions
10. Values, Needs, and Well-being of Leaders
Achievement Motivation and Task Orientation
Risk Taking
Concepts of the Self
Health, Well-being, and Leadership
Leaders' Organizational Values, and Orientation
Satisfaction with the Leadership Role
Summary and Conclusions
11. Accorded Status, Esteem, and Leadership
Meaning of Status and Esteem
Summary and Conclusions
12. Charismatic, Charismalike, and Inspirational Leadership
The Concept of Charismatic Leadership
The Charismatic Relationship
The Charismatic Leader in Complex Organizations: A Conceptual Examination
Empirical Studies of Charismatic Effects
Inspirational Leadership
Transformational Leadership: Charisma, Inspiration, and Intellectual Stimulation
Summary and Conclusions
PART III Power and Legitimacy
13. Power and Leadership
Definitions of Social Power
Sources of Power
Power and Emergence as a Leader
The Bases of Power
Comparisons of the Bases of Power
Summary and Conclusions
14. Leadership and the Distribution of Power
Importance of Differences in Power
Distribution of Power in Communities and Organizations
The Power of the Group
Power, Leadership, and Structure
Industrial Democracy
Power Sharing at the Immediate Work-Group Level
Summary and Conclusions
15. Conflict and Legitimacy in the Leadership Role
Sources of Conflict
Incongruities in Status, Esteem, and Ability
Within-Role Conflict
Resolving Conflict
Managing Conflict
Legitimation and Conflict
Summary and Conclusions
16. Authority, Responsibility, and Leadership
Studies of Organizational Authority, Responsibility, and Delegation
Summary and Conclusions
PART IV The Transactional Exchange
17. Leadership as Contingent Reinforcement
Leadership as a Social Exchange
Reinforcement Leadership and Followership
Reinforcement and the Emergence of Leaders
The Dynamics of the Exchange Relationship
Summary and Conclusions
18. Leader-Follower Interactive Effects
Contributions of Leadership to the Transactional Relationship
Followers' Impact on Leaders
Mutual Influence of Leaders and Followers
Summary and Conclusions
19. Moderators of the Use and Effects of Contingent-Reinforcement Leadership
Limits to Contingent Reinforcement
Constraints on the Use and Impact of Feedback
Constraints on the Performance-Appraisal Interview
Implicit Theories of Leadership as Moderators
Summary and Conclusions
PART V Leadership and Management
20. The Work of Leaders and Managers
What Leaders and Managers Do
Methods of Studying What Managers Do
Time Spent and Work Done by Managers
Mintzberg's Managerial Roles
Characteristics of the Managerial Processes
Moderators of the Manager's Work, Function, and Roles
Effective Managerial Activities and Role Taking
Summary and Conclusions
21. Autocratic and Authoritarian versus Democratic and Egalitarian Leadership
The Two Opposing Approaches
Authoritarian and Democratic Leadership
Effects of Authoritarian and Democratic Leadership
Antecedent Conditions That Moderate the Effects
Large-scale, Long-term Comparisons of Autocratic and Democratic Systems
Interpretive Problems and Issues
Summary and Conclusions
22. Directive versus Participative Leadership
The Continuum
Antecedents of Direction and Participation
General Effects of Directive and Participative Leaders
Contingent Effects of Directive and Participative Leadership
A Deduced Model for Achieving Decision Quality or Subordinate Acceptance
Summary and Conclusions
23. Task- versus Relations-Oriented Leadership
Antecedents Contributing to Task Orientation and Relations Orientation
General Consequences of Relations-Oriented and Task-Oriented Leadership
Blake and Mouton's Grid Theory
Situational Contingencies Affecting Outcomes
The Hersey-Blanchard Situational Leadership Model
Fiedler's Contingency Model of Leadership
Summary and Conclusions
24. Consideration, Initiating Structure, and Related Factors for Describing the Behavior of Leaders
A Behavioral Approach
Psychometric Properties
Alternative and Additional Scales
Behavioral Descriptions of the Ideal Leaders' Antecedents and Correlates of Consideration and Initiation of Structure
General Effects on Productivity, Satisfaction, and Other Criteria
Contingencies in the Effects of Consideration and Initiation
Causal Effects
Summary and Conclusions
25. Laissez-faire Leadership versus Motivation to Manage
Relations among Leadership Styles
Laissez-faire Leadership
Motivation to Lead and to Manage
Summary and Conclusions
PART VI Situational Moderators
26. Leadership, Environment, and Organization
Leadership Situations
Leadership and the External Environment
Organizations and Leadership
Leadership and Organizational Constraints
Leadership and Organizational Culture
Summary and Conclusions
27. Leaders and Their Immediate Groups
Importance of the Group
The Group's Development
Effects of Groups on Their Leaders
Impact of the Leader on the Group's Drive and Cohesiveness
Impact of the Leader on the Assembly Bonus Effect
Summary and Conclusions
28. Leadership, Task, and Technology
The Leader's Competence and the Requirements of Tasks
Important Dimensions of Tasks
Path-Goal Theory: The Explanation of Task Effects on Leadership
Summary and Conclusions
29. Stress and Leadership
The Nature of Stress
A Model of Group Responses to Stress
Leadership Under Stress
Successful but Not Necessarily Effective Leadership
Stress and Effectiveness as a Leader
Transformational Leadership and Dealing with Stress
Summary and Conclusions
30. Space, Networks, Leadership, and Its Substitutes
Importance of Spatial and Social Arrangements
Leadership and Physical Space
Leadership and Psychological Space
Leadership and Psychosocial Distance
Leadership in Experimental Communication Networks
Substitutes for Leadership
Summary and Conclusions
31. Persistence, Transfer, and Succession of Leadership
Transfer of Leadership
Summary and Conclusions
PART VII Diverse Groups
32. Women and Leadership
The Rise in Women Leaders and Managers
Constraints on Opportunities for Leadership
Male-Female Differences in Leadership Potential
Male-Female Differences in Leadership Style
Success and Effectiveness of Women Leaders
Moderating Effects of Subordinates, Task, and Situation
Career Advancement of Women Leaders and Managers
Summary and Conclusions
33. Leadership, Blacks, Hispanics, and Other Minorities
Blacks and Leadership
Performance of Blacks and Whites as Leaders
Other Minorities and Leadership
Summary and Conclusions
34. Leadership in Different Countries and Cultures
The Importance and Pace of Internationalization
Issues of Consequence
Origins of Leaders
Culture, Country, and Attributes of Leadership
Differences in Leadership Across Cultures
Styles of Leadership
Leadership in the Multinational Firm
Summary and Conclusions
PART VIII Improving Leadership and Leadership Research
35. Development, Education, and Training for Leadership and Management
Development Issues
Educational Issues
Career Issues
Value of Training
Methods of Leadership Training
On-the-Job Leadership Training and Development
Purposes and Content of Leadership Training
Programmatic Applications
Factors That Affect Training Outcomes
Summary and Conclusions
36. Assessment and Forecasting of Leaders' and Managers' Performance
Judgmental Approaches
Mechanical Methods
Judgments Integrated with Mechanical Methods
Assessment Centers
Summary and Conclusions
37 Leadership Issues for the Twenty-first Century
Considerations in Looking Ahead
Methodological Issues
Substantive Issues
Summary and Conclusions
Author Index
Subject Index
Preface to the Third Edition
PART I Introduction to Concepts and Theories of Leadership
1. Concepts of Leadership
The Beginnings
The Meaning of Leadership
Leadership and Headship
An Evolving, Expanding Conceptualization
Summary and Conclusions
2. Typologies and Taxonomies of Leadership
Examples of Classifications
Commonalities in Taxonomies
Summary and Conclusions
3. An Introduction to Theories and Models of Leadership
Personal and Situational Theories
Interaction and Social Learning Theories
Theories and Models of Interactive Processes
Perceptual and Cognitive Theories
Hybrid Explanations
Methods and Measurements
Summary and Conclusions
PART II Personal Attributes of Leaders
4. Traits of Leadership: 1904-47
Summary and Conclusions
5. Traits of Leadership: A Followup
Improvements in Methods and Measurements
Comparison of the Reviews of 1948 and 1970
Factor Analysis of the Traits of Leadership
Summary and Conclusions
6. Leadership and Activity Level
Energy and Assertiveness
Talking and Leading
Time and Effort
Summary and Conclusions
7. Task Competence and Leadership
The Meaning and Effects of Competence
Competence and Leadership
Summary and Conclusions
8. Interpersonal Competence and Leadership
Basic Interpersonal Skills
Social Insight, Empathy, and Leadership
Summary and Conclusions
9. Authoritarianism, Power Orientation, Machiavellianism, and Leadership
The Authoritarian Personality
Authoritarianism and Leadership
Power, Interpersonal Competence, and Leadership
Summary and Conclusions
10. Values, Needs, and Well-being of Leaders
Achievement Motivation and Task Orientation
Risk Taking
Concepts of the Self
Health, Well-being, and Leadership
Leaders' Organizational Values, and Orientation
Satisfaction with the Leadership Role
Summary and Conclusions
11. Accorded Status, Esteem, and Leadership
Meaning of Status and Esteem
Summary and Conclusions
12. Charismatic, Charismalike, and Inspirational Leadership
The Concept of Charismatic Leadership
The Charismatic Relationship
The Charismatic Leader in Complex Organizations: A Conceptual Examination
Empirical Studies of Charismatic Effects
Inspirational Leadership
Transformational Leadership: Charisma, Inspiration, and Intellectual Stimulation
Summary and Conclusions
PART III Power and Legitimacy
13. Power and Leadership
Definitions of Social Power
Sources of Power
Power and Emergence as a Leader
The Bases of Power
Comparisons of the Bases of Power
Summary and Conclusions
14. Leadership and the Distribution of Power
Importance of Differences in Power
Distribution of Power in Communities and Organizations
The Power of the Group
Power, Leadership, and Structure
Industrial Democracy
Power Sharing at the Immediate Work-Group Level
Summary and Conclusions
15. Conflict and Legitimacy in the Leadership Role
Sources of Conflict
Incongruities in Status, Esteem, and Ability
Within-Role Conflict
Resolving Conflict
Managing Conflict
Legitimation and Conflict
Summary and Conclusions
16. Authority, Responsibility, and Leadership
Studies of Organizational Authority, Responsibility, and Delegation
Summary and Conclusions
PART IV The Transactional Exchange
17. Leadership as Contingent Reinforcement
Leadership as a Social Exchange
Reinforcement Leadership and Followership
Reinforcement and the Emergence of Leaders
The Dynamics of the Exchange Relationship
Summary and Conclusions
18. Leader-Follower Interactive Effects
Contributions of Leadership to the Transactional Relationship
Followers' Impact on Leaders
Mutual Influence of Leaders and Followers
Summary and Conclusions
19. Moderators of the Use and Effects of Contingent-Reinforcement Leadership
Limits to Contingent Reinforcement
Constraints on the Use and Impact of Feedback
Constraints on the Performance-Appraisal Interview
Implicit Theories of Leadership as Moderators
Summary and Conclusions
PART V Leadership and Management
20. The Work of Leaders and Managers
What Leaders and Managers Do
Methods of Studying What Managers Do
Time Spent and Work Done by Managers
Mintzberg's Managerial Roles
Characteristics of the Managerial Processes
Moderators of the Manager's Work, Function, and Roles
Effective Managerial Activities and Role Taking
Summary and Conclusions
21. Autocratic and Authoritarian versus Democratic and Egalitarian Leadership
The Two Opposing Approaches
Authoritarian and Democratic Leadership
Effects of Authoritarian and Democratic Leadership
Antecedent Conditions That Moderate the Effects
Large-scale, Long-term Comparisons of Autocratic and Democratic Systems
Interpretive Problems and Issues
Summary and Conclusions
22. Directive versus Participative Leadership
The Continuum
Antecedents of Direction and Participation
General Effects of Directive and Participative Leaders
Contingent Effects of Directive and Participative Leadership
A Deduced Model for Achieving Decision Quality or Subordinate Acceptance
Summary and Conclusions
23. Task- versus Relations-Oriented Leadership
Antecedents Contributing to Task Orientation and Relations Orientation
General Consequences of Relations-Oriented and Task-Oriented Leadership
Blake and Mouton's Grid Theory
Situational Contingencies Affecting Outcomes
The Hersey-Blanchard Situational Leadership Model
Fiedler's Contingency Model of Leadership
Summary and Conclusions
24. Consideration, Initiating Structure, and Related Factors for Describing the Behavior of Leaders
A Behavioral Approach
Psychometric Properties
Alternative and Additional Scales
Behavioral Descriptions of the Ideal Leaders' Antecedents and Correlates of Consideration and Initiation of Structure
General Effects on Productivity, Satisfaction, and Other Criteria
Contingencies in the Effects of Consideration and Initiation
Causal Effects
Summary and Conclusions
25. Laissez-faire Leadership versus Motivation to Manage
Relations among Leadership Styles
Laissez-faire Leadership
Motivation to Lead and to Manage
Summary and Conclusions
PART VI Situational Moderators
26. Leadership, Environment, and Organization
Leadership Situations
Leadership and the External Environment
Organizations and Leadership
Leadership and Organizational Constraints
Leadership and Organizational Culture
Summary and Conclusions
27. Leaders and Their Immediate Groups
Importance of the Group
The Group's Development
Effects of Groups on Their Leaders
Impact of the Leader on the Group's Drive and Cohesiveness
Impact of the Leader on the Assembly Bonus Effect
Summary and Conclusions
28. Leadership, Task, and Technology
The Leader's Competence and the Requirements of Tasks
Important Dimensions of Tasks
Path-Goal Theory: The Explanation of Task Effects on Leadership
Summary and Conclusions
29. Stress and Leadership
The Nature of Stress
A Model of Group Responses to Stress
Leadership Under Stress
Successful but Not Necessarily Effective Leadership
Stress and Effectiveness as a Leader
Transformational Leadership and Dealing with Stress
Summary and Conclusions
30. Space, Networks, Leadership, and Its Substitutes
Importance of Spatial and Social Arrangements
Leadership and Physical Space
Leadership and Psychological Space
Leadership and Psychosocial Distance
Leadership in Experimental Communication Networks
Substitutes for Leadership
Summary and Conclusions
31. Persistence, Transfer, and Succession of Leadership
Transfer of Leadership
Summary and Conclusions
PART VII Diverse Groups
32. Women and Leadership
The Rise in Women Leaders and Managers
Constraints on Opportunities for Leadership
Male-Female Differences in Leadership Potential
Male-Female Differences in Leadership Style
Success and Effectiveness of Women Leaders
Moderating Effects of Subordinates, Task, and Situation
Career Advancement of Women Leaders and Managers
Summary and Conclusions
33. Leadership, Blacks, Hispanics, and Other Minorities
Blacks and Leadership
Performance of Blacks and Whites as Leaders
Other Minorities and Leadership
Summary and Conclusions
34. Leadership in Different Countries and Cultures
The Importance and Pace of Internationalization
Issues of Consequence
Origins of Leaders
Culture, Country, and Attributes of Leadership
Differences in Leadership Across Cultures
Styles of Leadership
Leadership in the Multinational Firm
Summary and Conclusions
PART VIII Improving Leadership and Leadership Research
35. Development, Education, and Training for Leadership and Management
Development Issues
Educational Issues
Career Issues
Value of Training
Methods of Leadership Training
On-the-Job Leadership Training and Development
Purposes and Content of Leadership Training
Programmatic Applications
Factors That Affect Training Outcomes
Summary and Conclusions
36. Assessment and Forecasting of Leaders' and Managers' Performance
Judgmental Approaches
Mechanical Methods
Judgments Integrated with Mechanical Methods
Assessment Centers
Summary and Conclusions
37 Leadership Issues for the Twenty-first Century
Considerations in Looking Ahead
Methodological Issues
Substantive Issues
Summary and Conclusions
Author Index
Subject Index
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